Telefonica Foundation

A Journey to the 21st Century School

Portada de la guía "viaje a la escuela del siglo XXI"


A Journey to the 21st Century School

Information technology is transforming education and shaping new ways of working in the classroom, of finding information and collaborative learning, for which new skills are needed.

A Journey to the 21st Century School is a guidebook for explorers of educational innovations. In it, Alfredo Hernando helps us discover the most innovative schools in the world. Besides presenting new educational methodologies, this book seeks to encourage the reader to make his or her own journey towards innovation by means of 80 specific actions.

This book is also a travel journal and contains numerous accounts of experiences; it is theory and practice, and, in addition, it provides work templates and a test.

We take care of

Design and conceptualization of projects
Design, organization and creation of educational materials
Production and publication of reports and documentation


Telefonica Foundation


Páginas internas de la guía "Viaje a la Escuela del siglo XXI" sobre paisajes de aprendizaje escuela21
Páginas internas de la guía "Viaje a la Escuela del siglo XXI" sobre paisajes de aprendizaje escuela21
'The improvement of the education happens through the improvement of the schools: we need to change their more basic structure, the bases that make it the educational institution of the 21st century'.
Alfredo Hernando
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