Teacher training in digital competence

Certify your digital competence for teachers with us

The digital transformation of the educational system starts with teaching staff. At escuela21 we design, provide, and supervise training to certify teachers in digital competence in education.

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What does teacher training in digital competence consist of?

We design, perform and supervise training to certify teachers and school staff’s digital competence.

Legislation framework

We cover all areas and competence transversally within the reference framework of educational digital competence for levels A1, A2, B1 and B2.

Contextualized learning

Evidence-based learning adapted to your educational level: the participants create resources adapted to their context accompanied by their tutors and support materials.

Didactic guides

Each activity to be designed is accompanied by a self-evaluation tool and by specific materials which guide the participant as they progress.

Materials in multiple formats

Respecting UDL principles, training materials will be introduced in a wide array of formats that foster inclusion and motivation.

Teacher tutoring

Quality tutoring by teachers for teachers is provided.

Group sessions and individual work

Combining personal work on the online platform with sessions held via videoconferences, allows the modules and activities to be introduced, new learning to be digested and explored more fully and any doubts that might arise to be dealt with.

Proposals for further study

Consists of optional activities designed to explore the competences of this framework more fully.

Collaborative learning

Combining individual work with collaboration with other teachers, in order to grow and learn together.

Take a look at some of our success stories

Junta de Andalucía
Junta de Andalucía
B2 level Teacher Training in Digital Competence for the Regional Government of Andalucía
Regional Ministry of Education of Castille-La Mancha

Personalized training adapted to your rhythm and needs

Improve the digital competence of your team, customized for you to progress at your own pace. If you are a school administration representative, we can help you to design educational digital competence training plans.

Do you want to certify the DigCompEdu of your teaching staff at your own pace and you are unable to attend sessions in person?

Write to us and we will customize your training, combining online work sessions on an online platform and tutor-led sessions via videoconference.

Do you want to carry out training in areas such as, PBL (Project Based Learning), cooperative work, LOMLOE (Spanish education law)… and you wish to include educational digital competence indicators?

Write to us, we will listen to your needs and design a completely personalized training plan.

Do you wish to analyse the training already undertaken by your teaching staff to see the educational digital competence scores achieved?

We can analyse the training received and subsequently draft a report that will include proposals for new actions to be taken to continue progressing from the point already reached.

Are you unsure of your teaching staff’s level in digital competence?

We can evaluate your teaching staff’s level and identify it for you.

Are you a school administration representative who wants to design training plans that certify educational digital competence?

We can design a plan for you at any framework level, in accordance with current legislation. We implement and tutorize training actions on your own platform, monitoring the process at every stage, this includes creation of materials, activity design, platform dynamization, scoring participants’ tasks and giving them tutoring.

"Me gustaría destacar la labor, la profesionalidad y la calidad de las intervenciones y recursos de Escuela21. Creo que el nivel de este curso ha estado muy por encima de mis expectativas y me quedo con un aprendizaje inmenso y enriquecedor, que estoy seguro me acompañará para el resto de mi carrera profesional. Agradecimiento sincero."
José Miguel López Aroca
Participante en las formaciones
"El curso me ha parecido MUY INTERESANTE, he aprendido muchísimo con él, y coincido con mis compañeros/as en que es uno de los mejores cursos que he hecho en el aula virtual. Diseñar una formación que se va a trabajar online con la calidad y la profesionalidad que he encontrado en este es muy difícil, y creo que está más que a la altura, por lo que os doy mi enhorabuena."
Elisa Montero Decos
"Agradezco mucho a la tutoría del curso su cercanía, calidez y rapidez en la corrección y los feedbacks. Las sesiones síncronas han sido inspiradoras y han servido para que no haya sido necesario consultar ninguna duda con el equipo docente del curso. Acabo el curso muy satisfecho. Diseñar una formación que se va a trabajar online con la calidad y la profesionalidad que he encontrado en este es muy difícil, y creo que está más que a la altura, por lo que os doy mi enhorabuena."
Manuel Rafael López Castro
"Me he sentido acompañada en todo momento por Azucena, Carmen y Sergio, quienes nos han animado en cada una de la entrega de las tareas, han guiado el proceso de forma constructiva y familiar, y han hecho posible que lleguemos hasta aquí habiendo compartido, aprendido e ilusionado por este proyecto nuevo que ahora continúa. ¡¡Mil gracias siempre!!"
Nuria de los Ángeles Cuadros González
Play Video about certificación en competencia digital docente
Teacher training in digital competence

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Learning is based on participants playing an active role. Accordingly, they will have to design activities and create resources which evidence they have attained the required indicators. Said creations will have to be sufficiently flexible and customisable for each of the teachers to adapt them to their educational context and transform them into useful materials ready to be immediately implemented in their actual classrooms.

Yes, it is. Both in relation to the reference framework of digital competence in education as well as to meeting the requirements needed to qualify for certification.

Yes, they can. The tasks to be undertaken are customisable to respond to the needs of all classrooms.

Yes. There are 4 training levels, you may decide which one to participate in according to your current digital competence level: A1 (newcomer), A2 (explorer), B1 (integrator) and B2 (expert). If you are unsure, we can help you to decide which level is most suited for you or your institution.

Yes, we have a great team of tutors, all of whom are teachers possessing a high level of digital competence and years of experience of using digital technology in their classrooms.

You may carry out training on our platform, but if your institution or business already has its own platform, it is also possible to implement training there.

In accordance with current legislation, 40 hours are required for the A1 course, 50 hours for A2, 60 hours for B1 and 70 hours for B2.

Yes. There is no limit on the number of participants from the same school.

Please use the email  hola@escuela21.org  to sign up for training, to send us any queries, or to arrange a meeting to discuss your needs.