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The Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Training, via the Dirección General de Evaluación y Cooperación Territorial, has set in motion a programme to Improve Digital Competence in Education, #DigCompEdu (21-22), which is part of the framework of Component 19 of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RFF).
The ultimate goal of this initiative is to develop pupils' digital competence by means of improving teachers' digital competence.
This is achieved by improving educators’ digital competence (both individual teachers and staff) and by transforming schools into digitally competent educational centres.
Escuela21 designs and collaborates in the programme's coordination, in which more than 1000 teachers have participated, carrying out the following activities:
Design and conceptualization of projects
Dynamization, coordination and management
Design, recovery, and creation of educational materials
Tracking and evaluation of processes
Training and facilitation