Innovative Schools and Creative Families

Download the guide11 MB ‘The creativity is the greater asset in our society and the best treasure for the development of each student’s full life project. In addition, we know that is a competence that is taught, learned, and can be trained every day by the students, teachers and families’.Alfredo Hernando ‘The creativity is the […]

Educating for the Future

In the media ‘Ibercaja dedicates its “Educating for the future 2020” program to the SDGs with nearly 70 activities and about 60 speakers’ EL ECONOMISTA ‘The newly presented “Educating for the future 2020” program, of Fundación Ibercaja, comes loaded with proposals’ LA CRÓNICA ‘”Educating for the future” continues with a talk about evaluation in schools’ […]

Design and Revitalization of Educational Actions for Kristau Eskola

‘I knew about the training offered by Escuela21 through Kristau Eskola and we decided that all the schools of our Foundation could participate in this exciting project: leading the transformation from the childhood education stage. The methodology used is very dynamic and motivating, we do not disconnect for a second from the work we have […]

Learning Environments

‘A Journey to the 21st Century Education: Learning Environments’ In the media ‘Leaning Environments: a personalized didactic tool’ EDUCACIÓN 3.0 ‘Learning Environments: a powerful educational tool’ GENIALLY ‘Learning Environments: what they are and how to implement them in class’ GENIALLY

Design and Implementation of Training in Teacher Digital Competence (TDC)

Play Video Play Video The project in numbers 0 training hours + 0 teachers 0 % teachers with a B1 digital certification In the media New digitalization plan in classrooms in Castile-La Mancha: more computers and teacher training CASTILLA LA MANCHA ‘Castile-La Mancha will digitize classrooms and produce a real methodological change in the educational […]

Coordination and Accompaniment for Digital Transformation Facilitators

The project in numbers + 0 facilitators + 0 years In the media ‘The regional Government trains 40 facilitators for digital transformation to help educational centres improve their digital competences’ OBJETIVO CASTILLA LA MANCHA Improvement of the Digital Educational Competence EDUCAR EN CLM

A Journey to the 21st Century School

Download the guide29 MB ‘The improvement of the education happens through the improvement of the schools: we need to change their more basic structure, the bases that make it the educational institution of the 21st century’.Alfredo Hernando In the media A Journey to the 21st Century Education EL DIARIO.ES ‘It is the teachers who are […]

“Las clases” (The classes)

Trailer of the documentary In the media ‘”Las Clases”, documentary presented in Huesca, opens in Madrid in December’ HERALDO ‘Role of state schools in the documentary “Las clases”‘ RTVE ‘”Las clases”, a thought-provoking documentary about state schools’ ÉXITO EDUCATIVO

Connect Education

‘First, I would like to thank you for the workshop you have taught us, for your great ability as a communicator and, also, for your extensive knowledge. I would also like to add the fact of my almost absolute ignorance in this matter that has come as a shock (rather falling in love) in which […]

Digital leaders

‘It is as important to show the possibilities of digital transformation as to educate on the responsible and safe use of technology’.Joan CruzIONS DIRECTOR OF FUNDACIÓN TELEFÓNICA The 2019 edition in numbers 0 volunteers 0 schools 0 teachers + 0 students 0 parents In the media Digital Leaders, a project to educate online skills ECONOMÍA […]

EducaixaTalks In the media ‘Improving the emotional skills in childhood to reduce the risk behaviours in adolescence’ EL PAÍS ‘Education, a revolution in progress’ EL PLURAL ‘It is crazy to worry in the middle of the pandemic about whether children have skipped parts of the academic curriculum’ EL PÁIS


‘We believe the education is the best tool to reach a fair and equitable society, and that technology is the lever to achieve it’.José María Álvarez-PalletePresident of Telefónica In the media ‘The most global EnlightED will be a hybrid’ INNOVASPAIN ‘Here comes the most global edition of EnlightED: 147 connected world-wide thinkers from 10 […]

The School of Creativity

‘The School of Creativity has caused me a need to train in my students that curiosity to build new creative processes’. AntonioCRIE Zamora ‘We wanted to focus on developing the competence of creativity with teachers who are already creative and also work on classroom innovation too’. Vanessa de la CruzFAD ‘The School of Creativity was […]

School Comes First

‘”School Comes First” has been a pioneering project that has united teachers from different education centres from across Spain to explore, investigate and create proposals that will help the school. Being part of the team that has led it has reconfirmed to me that learning and success only exists if it is joint action’. Loli […]

The School to Come

‘The School to Come has allowed us to live together with several agents from the educational community a different reality, it has given us spaces to talk about the experience and not so much about theories, and also it has offered us the possibility of binding voices together and making the Fundación Santillana’s aspiration come […]